OPI Atomic Orange & My First Ruffian

This is OPI Atomic Orange. Not a color I will wear on it's own much, but a great orange creme with a perfect formula. No clean up on this one!

This ridiculous color combination was inspired by these shoes that many players wore in this year's World Cup. I used this Toma polish because it is opaque in just one coat, which seems necessary if doing this freehand. It turned out pretty well, but I found this technique kind of difficult.

Thanks for reading!


  1. I like solo orange. It is summer color, looks great on you.

  2. What color did you top it with? CG?

  3. I linked to the polish I used in the post. It's from Toma but that is all I know about.

  4. Here's a tutorial. http://www.thelacquerfiles.com/2010/07/nail-art-tutorial-ruffian-manicure.html

  5. Have never tried a ruffian. Interesting look. Looks great with 2 bold colors that goes well together.

  6. hmm i like the color combo..i need to practice that ruffian more though every time do it it's wobbly..

  7. THAT is awesome. I love the colour combination

  8. very unique and pretty look. the colors are awesome.

  9. i LOVE this!! you did a fab job :) i adore orange. i need to do another orange mani before halloween comes and they start popping up everywhere o_O

  10. Wow, great job on the ruffian, I'd never say that it's your first!
    And funky color combo :)

  11. Hey and thanks for the comment!
    Charlie is a Jack Russel Terrier, but he don't have a pedigree (that is signed by the breed organisation) so I think he more is a Parson Russel Terrier. The difference is that the Parson is more "square" with longer legs, and the Jack is more rectangular with shorter legs.
    Both breeds comes in three different hair-types. Short, long and mixed. Charlie has mixed hair, that is long on the body but short on the legs and face.
    I think Wally is def. some part, if not all, Jack Russel terrier with long hair, and maybe Shi-Tzu or Tibetan Spaniel because of his teeth?
    Funny that he and Charlie has the same colors :) Wally is really cute!

  12. Thanks So much for the information Viktoria! Charlie is adorable too! I love that he gets to go on adventures with you and I love his backpack!

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  14. I just love it!!!

    Very creative! :D

    I will try to do it someday and I hope I won't have problems! lol


  15. Love Love OPI Nail colors! The best part is their names! I fell in love with them when I went to nail school!
    Thanks for visting me @ Bizee Mama's Beauty Secrets

    aka Bizee Mama


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