Red, White, & Blue Nails

 Like many of you, the Olympics have captured my attention. Since I was already wearing Sation Holiday Spirit, I decided to add some more red & blue. I love how these turned out! I used China Glaze Ruby Pumps & Maybelline New Year's Blues.
Thanks for reading!


  1. LOVE this!! So blingy and stylish with those chevrons!

  2. Fantastic! I love that Sation glitter!

  3. I totally went "Wow!" out loud when I saw this mani. Wow. Looks amazing! Plus it has points for being a really fun play on the olympic mani. How do you do your chevrons? Do you tape or free hand or bribe the chevron fairy to come do them for you? I ask because they're perfect and I'd love to bring my skills up to par.

    1. Thanks so much! I've tried tape & free hand & I usually get better results with free hand. I don't have the patience to cut & place the tape properly & they always end up off center when I use tape. Using blingy glitter is much more forgiving than cremes. I used a brush from a striper polish that I cleaned with a paper towel & then dipped directly into the blue for the thin line.

  4. I know I'm a little late here, but this is Gorgeous!!!


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