Winners Of The Melvita & CSN Stores Giveaway
I had so much fun hosting these giveaways! We worked very hard to make the instructions clear and easy to follow and it seems to have paid off! There were only about ten people who totally disregarded the rules in both giveaways. I think that's a pretty great result. The Google form method also made it super easy to validate entries & check for duplicates since each entry went right into a numbered, sortable spreadsheet. I love seeing what everyone picked out from both places too! Thanks so much for all of the entries! Onto the winners picked by!

Melvita Organic Skin Care Giveaway
Valid Entries: 108
Winning #: 95
3/1/2010 14:51:30 Megan who said: I really like the Blond Hair Shampoo. It sounds like it would make my hair look really nice.
CSN Stores Giveaway
Valid Entries: 204
Winning #: 137
2/28/2010 19:37:05 Annalene who said: I would pick out the iittala All Steel 1.5 Qt. Saucepan With Lid SKU #: IIT1022
Annalene has an adorable blog that you should check out too! She does great posts on everything from fashion to art to recipes!
Thanks again to everyone who entered! I gained about 200 new followers! You still have time to enter our Follower Appreciation Giveaway too!
Thanks for reading!

Melvita Organic Skin Care Giveaway
Valid Entries: 108
Winning #: 95
3/1/2010 14:51:30 Megan who said: I really like the Blond Hair Shampoo. It sounds like it would make my hair look really nice.
CSN Stores Giveaway
Valid Entries: 204
Winning #: 137
2/28/2010 19:37:05 Annalene who said: I would pick out the iittala All Steel 1.5 Qt. Saucepan With Lid SKU #: IIT1022
Annalene has an adorable blog that you should check out too! She does great posts on everything from fashion to art to recipes!
Thanks again to everyone who entered! I gained about 200 new followers! You still have time to enter our Follower Appreciation Giveaway too!
Thanks for reading!
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