OPI Absolutely Alice

I won OPI Absolutely Alice from The Lacquer Lady. It's a gorgeous polish, dense blue glitter in a clear base with a sprinkling of gold glitter thrown in too. It takes three coats for opacity, which is not bad at all for a clear based glitter. While this is lovely, I just couldn't see mysellf wearing it again so I already passed it on to a new loving home.

I'm still way too sad to talk about the World Cup today. I started looking up players and teared up again. I'll try again tomorrow.


  1. this is one of my MOST favorite polishes! ;)

  2. This is one of my favorite polishes, it is so pretty it's worth the hassle of taking it off

  3. Why are you sad about the world cup? I thought you liked the Ghanaian team...

  4. this is one of my favorite blues! and it looks absolutely gorgeous on you!

  5. I'm still super sad that the US, my home team went out though!

  6. omg!! that color is just so so fabulous!! :D congrats on winning it!

    Animated Confessions


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